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Gymnopédie #1 - Erik Satie                             

Performance by Randy Wilson

Modern Drive

Music as Buildings

It's possible to make an analysis of music that squares the edges of each note to provide the shapes of buildings. Imagine a 3D version of an old player piano roll. This approach does not show the volume contours of sustained notes but it does give us a chance to explore an architectural approach to illustrating music.

In this view earlier music is in front with upcoming music in the distance. Higher notes are on the right and lower notes on the left. Glass buildings with yellow highlights illustrate the melody. The purple neon buildings represent the accompaniment. A TR-3B hovers above the obsolete roadway. Only the buildings are made from the notes of the music. The sky, ground, and spacecraft are silent.

Notes about the Music and the Portrayal

Gymnopedie #1 is Erik Satie’s most famous piece. From a collection based on the Greek modes, #1 has a melody that is beloved around the world.

Modern Drive

Gymnopédie #1 - Erik Satie